Electronics Recycling

What does R3EWaste do with your old data?

What does R3EWaste do with your old data?

Your private data must remain private. We get it. R3eWaste takes data security extremely seriously. That is why we have an advanced process to make sure that any electronics that you recycle with us has any data destroyed. Learn what we do to protect your data on old electronics.

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Why Do TVs Cost Money to Recycle?

Why Do TVs Cost Money to Recycle?

Many people ask us why TVs cost money to recycle? That is fair, they do contain some valuable components. But they also contain a lot of hazardous material that has to be disposed of responsibly. Learn about the costs of recycling TVs here.

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Basel Action Network Tracking Study

Basel Action Network Tracking Study

In 2004 Dell partnered with Goodwill and started Reconnect, their e-Waste reduction plan. They encouraged people to drop off their old computers and accessories, of any brand and condition, to one of over 2,000 participating Goodwill locations, and promised that, “we’ll make sure your system and accessories are refurbished or recycled responsibly.” Learn what happened.

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Data Destruction Process

Data Destruction Process

Your old computers, printers, and copiers contain hard drives that store your most sensitive data. We know the importance of keeping that data out of the wrong hands. R3eWaste has a comprehensive data destruction process. Learn more here.

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Residential Electronics Recycling

Residential Electronics Recycling

R3EWaste is your partner for all of your consumer electronics recycling and re-purposing. We adhere to Department of Defense (DoD) standards for data destruction to ensure your private information remains private. And we responsibly keep all environmentally dangerous materials out of the landfill. Learn how we can help you recycle electronics responsibly.

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